The Executive Committee consists of the following officers:
- The President
- The Vice-President
- The Past President
- The General Secretary
- The Treasurer
- Five Members-at-Large
- Editor in chief of INR journal (non-voting)
The Executive Committee is responsible for managing and directing the scientific, financial, as well as other day-to-day activities of the Federation. The Committee will meet when directed by the President, or at the request of a majority of its members.The President may invite any other persons involved in the business of the Federation, where appropriate, to an executive meeting.
Election of Officers
Any full Member in good standing of the Federation can seek the candidacy for any of the following offices: Vice-President, Secretary General, Treasurer or Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee. However, in order to ensure continuity in the organization of the WFITN, members of the Federation interested in one of the leading positions in the Executive Committee (Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary General) should have been elected previously for at least one mandate to the position of Member at Large.
These Officers are elected by the general membership by means of a vote, which is held every other year preceding the scientific meeting officially held by the federation.
The procedure for electing the executive committee officers is as follows:
- The General Secretary shall notify members that application for an elected position is open six months before the biannual scientific meeting.
- Application for candidacy to one of the elected offices on the Executive Committee has to be submitted to the Secretary General at least three months prior to the date of the General Assembly. Applicants must submit a completed application form (available from the Secretary General) together with a curriculum vitae and supporting letters from two full members. The secretary general will verify that the candidate is a full member of the federation and in good standing. Should too many candidates come from a single region or continent, relative to the overall membership, the executive committee may request of a continental or regional society from that over-represented area to select a subgroup of candidates among those nominated. The Secretary General will then notify the membership by email of the names of the candidates standing for each position. Voting will take place by ballot at the General Assembly. Votes will remain confidential.
- The results of the elections shall be announced at the General Assembly; the candidate receiving the simple majority of votes for a given office shall be elected the winner for that office. In the case of a tie, the vote will be repeated by secret ballot at the General Assembly until one candidate is declared the winner. Newly elected Officers will take office immediately following the general assembly.
Term of Office
- The President will serve one term. The length of that term is determined by the society to be two consecutive years. The President is not eligible for election for a second consecutive term. However, a Past President can run for any elected office four years after his election as President.
- The Vice president term is for two years before assuming the office of President.
- The Secretary General and Treasurer shall serve for a 2 year term and, during their tenure, shall be eligible to apply for one additional mandate to retain the same office. The Secretary General and Treasurer will be eligible to again apply for the same position, provided that a period of four years has elapsed since their most recent election to this position.
- Members-at-Large will serve for two years and, during their tenure, shall be eligible to apply for one additional mandate to retain the same office. The Member-at-Large will be eligible to again apply for Member-at-Large, provided that a period of four years has elapsed since their most recent election to this position.
- The Past President term is for two years.
Duties of the Officers
The President shall be the presiding officer of the Federation and will perform the duties customarily associated with his or her office. The President shall preside over meetings of the Executive Committee. The President may from time to time convene advisory boards or ad hoc committees to consult on specific issues or projects concerning the federation.
The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, assigns duties to the Members at large, and may appoint full members to ad hoc committees Should the President become incapacitated or unwilling to perform the duties of the Presidency, the Vice President shall assume the office of the Presidency until the next General Assembly of the Federation, a special business meeting called for by the Executive Committee, or electronic vote for the purpose of electing a new President and Vice President.
The Vice-President will assist the President as appropriate and assumes the duties of the Presidency whenever the President becomes incapacitated or is unable to fulfill his responsibilities as indicated in the preceding clause. He or she will also carry out other duties that may be assigned to him by the President. The Vice-President is automatically a member of the Scientific Committee for the Federation congress held during their term of office. At the end of his or her elected term, the vice president automatically ascends to the office of the Presidency.
Should the Vice President become incapacitated or unwilling to perform the duties of the vice presidency, the office will remain vacant until the next General Assembly of the Federation, a special business meeting called for by the Executive Committee or a specific electronic vote for the purpose of electing a new Vice President. Nominations for the vacated office will be solicited by the Executive Committee The newly elected Vice-President will then serve until the end of the term of office of the current President.
Past President
After one term in office the President will automatically become Past President for a period of two years. He or she will assist the President as appropriate, and will also carry out such other duties as may reasonably be assigned by the President. If for some reason the Past President becomes unable or unwilling to continue in office before the end of his or her term, the post will remain vacant until the end of the term of office of the current President.
Secretary General
The Secretary General will maintain the required legal and official records of the Federation including those related to the membership and the proceedings of the General Assembly and Executive Committee meetings. He or she will also carry out such other duties as may reasonably be assigned by the President. The Secretary General will serve for two years and can be eligible for re-election for one further term.
If for some reason the Secretary General becomes unable or unwilling to continue in office before the end of his or her term, his or her duties will be assumed by the Treasurer, until the next General Assembly. An electronic vote or a special business meeting will be convened for the purpose of electing a new Secretary General. The Executive Committee will seek nominations for the vacated office. The newly elected secretary General will then serve in that capacity until the following general elections for the offices of the Executive Committee are held.
The Treasurer will be responsible for administering the funds of the Society, keeping a record of financial transactions, and providing a financial report to the General Assembly. He or she will also carry out such other duties as may reasonably be assigned by the President. The Treasurer will serve for two years, and can be eligible for re-election for one further term.
If for some reason the Treasurer becomes unable of unwilling to continue in office before the end of his or her normal tern, his or her duties will be assumed by the Secretary General until the next General Assembly, an electronic vote or a Special business Meeting convened for the purpose of electing a new Treasurer. The Executive Committee will seek nominations for the vacated office The newly elected Treasurer will then serve in that capacity until the following general elections for the offices of the Executive Committee are held.
Members at Large
Members at large will be assigned by the President specific portfolios with tasks to fulfill. Members at large serve a term of 2 years and are eligible for re-election for one further mandate.
Editor in Chief
The Editor in Chief of the official WFITN journal “Interventional Neuroradiology” (INR) is responsible for soliciting peer review of scientific papers for the journal and making editorial decisions. The Editor is appointed by the Executive in consultation with the publisher of the Journal INR.