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Mission & Constitution


The Association for the WORLD FEDERATION OF INTERVENTIONAL AND THERAPEUTIC NEURORADIOLOGY, hereinafter WFITN, which is governed by the Act of 1 July 1901 and was duly declared at the Police Headquarters of PARIS on 21 March 1990, whose registered office is situated in PARIS, 8th arrondissement, 7, Rue de Castellane and which is represented by its President in office, Mrs Sirintara PONGPECH, who has been duly authorized for the purposes of these articles pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors of 08.02.2018,

Hereinafter the “Founder”,

Has decided to set up an endowment fund which shall be governed by the Economic Modernization Act n° 2008-776 of 4 August 2008 (Official Journal of 5 August 2008), Decree n° 2009-158 of 11 February 2009 and by these articles.

The WFITN today has scientific and competitive capacities on an international level but the pooling of knowledge on this specialized medical discipline as well as the search and training of new neuroradiologists means that the Federation needs to have sufficient resources and be structured for the sake of its credibility both in France and abroad.

It is for these reasons that the WORLD FEDERATION OF INTERVENTIONAL AND THERAPEUTIC NEURORADIOLOGY felt it was indispensable to set up an endowment fund.

Title 1: Constitution

Art. 1: Creation and name

The signatories of these articles hereby set up an endowment fund which shall be governed by the Economic Modernization Act n° 2008-776 of 4 August 2008, Decree n° 2009-158 of 11 February 2009 on endowment funds and these articles.

The endowment fund shall be called: Endowment Fund of the WFITN.

It shall be referred to hereinafter as “the Fund”.

Art. 2: Object of the Fund and means of action

The object of the Endowment Fund of the WFITN is to promote the development and advancement of the interventional and therapeutic neuroradiology discipline focused on endovascular neurosurgery throughout the world and in particular through the training of future neuroradiologists.

In order to achieve the object laid down in these articles, the Endowment Fund shall implement any or all means that it deems appropriate through direct or indirect actions, in particular by contributing to scientific research, the training of future neuroradiologists, teaching, the pooling of knowledge by means of meetings, conferences or any or all useful means, and funding the Association for the WFITN or any or all other non-profit organizations whose work is similar to the object of the Fund.
The Endowment Fund shall implement any or all legal means which further the achievement of the object of the Fund and planned actions, and in particular:

  • collection of funds, in particular from companies, individuals and legal entities both in France and abroad,
  • signing of agreements and in particular partnerships with any or all company, local authority or public body, or association,
  • holding assets or interests in real property,
  • creation, management and development of any or all actions that are necessary to operate the Fund,
  • development of reception facilities and logistical resources for focus, study, expert and research groups or conferences, in relation in particular with public authorities or private entities,
  • development of means of communication and dissemination of information and knowledge,
  • creation and participation in other associations, endowment funds or foundations that are recognized as being of public utility,
  • communication efforts,
  • development of any or all European or international cooperation,
  • recruitment and management of staff,
  • allocations of financial support in accordance with the actions stipulated hereinabove,
  • and more generally speaking implementation of any or all action which is necessary to achieve its objects and which complies with the law and regulations.

Art. 3: Registered office

The registered office is situated in 7, rue de Castellane, 75008 Paris, France.

The said registered office may be moved to any or all other location pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors. The Préfet of the Département shall be informed thereof.

Art. 4: Term

The Endowment Fund is hereby set up for an indefinite period of time.

Constitution (full version)