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General Information

The WFITN General Assembly of members held in Val d Isere in January 2019 voted to accept a constitution change allowing for the formation of a Federation Assembly. The constitution amendment was made in order to promote the coordination of neurointervention societies throughout the world. It is now possible for neurointervention societies to become member societies of the WFITN. There is no cost associated with joining. The Federation Assembly will be held once a year and each society is entitled to send two representatives. A pre-determined topic will be discussed each year in order to co-ordinate policy on training, practice research and ethics as it pertains to neurointervention.

The following neurointervention societies joined:

AAFITN - Asian-Australasian Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology

AANS/CNS - American Association of Neurological Surgeon / Joint Cerebrovascular Section

ANZSNR - The Australian and New Zealand Society of Neuroradiology

ATIN  - The Association of Thai Interventional Neuroradiology

BSSNI - Bangladesh Society of Stroke and Neurointervention

CANI - Colegio Argentino de Neurointervencionismo 

CFITN - Chinese Federation of Interventional Clinical Neurosciences 

ESMINT - European Society of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy

ESNR - European Society of Neuroradiology

JSNET  - Japanese Society of Neuroendovascular Therapy

GSANIT - Grupo Sulamericano De Neuroradiologia Intervencionista E Terapeutica

KoNES - Korean Neuroendovascular Society

KSIN - Korean Society of Interventional Neuroradiology

SANIS - South African Neurointervention Society

SBNR - Sociedade Brasileira De Neuroradioligia

SFNR - Société Française de Neuroradiologie

SFNR - Swedish Society of Neuroradiolgy

SILAN - Sociedad Iberilatinoamericana de Neuroradiologia DiagnosticaI  e Terapeutica 

SNIS -  Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery

SNVIS - Society of NeuroVascular Intervention and Surgery (Singapore)

SVIN -  Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology


Constituted neurointervention societies with ten or more members are invited to apply using the application form which will be submitted to the WFITN Executive Director: Sabine Heckmann