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Past WFITN Meetings
Hybrid General Assembly of the WFITN
WFITN Special Business ZOOM meeting
Dear Members,
Because we did not have a quorum of members in attendance at the Val d’Isère GA (16.1.24), per the constitution, we need to hold a special business meeting to formally vote to accept the new members who were listed.
The short meeting will be held on SUNDAY, 21.4.2024 1-1.30 p.m. (CET/Paris Time). The ZOOM link will appear on the website once you log onto the Members Only area under GENERAL ASSEMBLY.
Best regards
Michihiro Tanaka |
Seon-Kyu Lee |
General Assembly
Dear WFITN Members,
On behalf of the Executive Committee, it is a pleasure to invite you to this special General Assembly of the WFITN, January, 17th, 2023, 1.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. (Paris Time), Centre Oreiller, Val d'Isere, France.
The minutes of the previous Hybrid General Assembly from August, 23rd 2022 are already here in the members area of the website underr “General Assembly.”
Since international travel is unfortunately still not possible for all of us, we will hold a “hybrid” General Assembly with attendance. A ZOOM link for online attendance will be provided ahead of the date of the General Assembly. Please note that only full members in good standing (who have paid all outstanding membership fees) will receive a ZOOM link invitation.
Looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Best regards,
Michihiro Tanaka & Seon-Kyu Lee
President General Secretary