NEWS: WINNER Neurointerventional Research Grant
Dear WFITN members, dear Friends,
We have the honor and pleasure to announce the winner of the 2022 WFITN Endowment Fund research grant. The grant call was posted during the 2022 spring and there were seven applications, coming from Australia, Canada, China, France, Portugal, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
All applications were duly reviewed and scored by the WFITN Endowment Fund Scientific Board, consisting of:
- Staffan Holmin, INR and Neurosurgery, Stockholm, Sweden (Chairman)
- Howard Riina, Neurosurgery, New York, USA
- Vitor Pereira, Neurosurgery, INR, Toronto, Canada and Brazil
- Donatella Tampieri, INR, Kingston, Canada
- Jens Fiehler, INR, Neuroradiology, Hamburg, Germany
- Masaki Komiyama, INR, Neurosurgery, Osaka, Japan
- Claire Karekezi, Neurosurgery, Kanombe, Rwanda
- Ronil Chandra, INR, Melbourne, Australia
Each parameter scored 1 to 7, where 7 was the best:
- Scientific excellence/hypothesis
- Methods
- Clinical relevance
- Feasibility of the project
The Scientific committee decided to award the grant to:
Dr Nathan Manning from Sydney
Mitigation Of Migraine with middlE mNingeal arTery embolization
– the MOMENT pilot study
The Scientific Committee statement reads:
- With several interesting and well-organized applications as competitors in this funding call, the review board concluded that Dr Manning’s project is innovative, well defined and with a potential to add new indications for neurointerventional treatment
- The design of the study will give a clear indication whether the approach of embolizing the middle meningeal artery in patients with severe migraine will be efficient or not
- We congratulate Dr Manning and his team and look forward to following the progress of the study
Staffan Holmin
Chair WFITN EF Scientific Board
Michael Söderman
Past Chair WFITN Endowment Fund