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RECENT: WFITN Neurovascular Anatomy in Stroke Course 2025

WFITN Course in Neurovascular Anatomy for Stroke in Naples, 17-19, 2025

Thanks to the outstanding efforts of our local organizer, Prof. Mario Muto, and his team, we successfully completed the WFITN anatomy course in Naples. A total of 38 young professionals attended from various countries—including Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the U.S., Peru, Austria, Iran, and Kazakhstan. From start to finish, they maintained their focus and enthusiasm during both the clinical neuroanatomy lectures and the 3D-anatomy demonstrations.
After collecting the lecturer evaluation sheets from attendees, we found that all respondents gave a high score, indicating excellent performance.

As the course director, I am delighted with how exciting and productive the course had been. My sincere thanks go to all participants and to the local organizers for making this event a success.

Michihiro Tanaka, Course Organizer, Past President WFITN

Salvatore Mangiafico, Italy             Howard Riina, United States
Philippe Mercier, France                 Pedro Vilela, Portugal
Alessandra Biondi, France.             Georges Rodesch, France
Michihiro Tanaka, Japan.                Stefano Molinaro, Italy  
Giuseppe Mirone, Italy.                    Mario Muto, Italy, Local Course Organizer
Paolo Machì Switzerland

General Info

The Functional Neurovascular Anatomy course is a comprehensive and didactic review of the embryology and vascular anatomy necessary for stroke intervention. The course comprises lectures, 3D anatomic sessions as well as interactive workshops on angiographic images related to stroke cases. The course has been created for neuroradiologists, radiologists, neurologists and neurosurgeons with particular interest in neurovascular diseases. It may be interesting to physicians in training to become INR specialists as well as senior physicians who wish to refresh their knowledge in functional neurovascular anatomy.

