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Original Research Article

Transorbital embolization of cavernous sinus dural arterio-venous malformations with surgical exposure and catheterization of the superior ophthalmic vein:

  • 14 patients with dural AVFs (Barrow Type B to D) 
  • A successful transorbital approach was performed in all 14 cases. In 12 of 14 patients a catheter assisted successful embolization of the fistula was performed using platinum coils with no relevant residual fistula flow. In two cases, a spontaneous thrombosis of the fistula during the surgical procedure required no further embolization. 
  • No postoperative therapy associated complications were observed.

From Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery; Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg/Saar, Germany

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